

Membership for the 2024 season has now closed as of April 30, 2024

Becoming a member of the PEIBA will come with advantages.

  •  An active working Board of Directors interacting with Government and Stakeholders on your behalf.
  • Buying power with many beekeepers comes better pricing on bulk purchases.
  • Lower cost on workshops to members
  • Subscription to the Canadian Honey Council’s “Hivelights” magazine.
  • Networking opportunities to learn from other beekeepers in the industry
  • Access to Government funding for expansion
  • A yearly Annual General Meeting with workshops, presentations and key note speakers

And more….

A regular member is a resident of Province of Prince Edward Island, who owns and manages Honeybee colonies and is in compliance with the Bee regulations contained in the Animal Health and Protection Act.Cost: $25 Base Fee and $0.50 per hive

An Associate member is someone who does not yet own beehives but would like to be part of the association, attend the AGM, workshops and conferences but does not have any voting power. Cost: $25

Your membership is valid from the date of the Annual General Meeting until the next scheduled Annual General Meeting.