
Video Resources

University of Guelph YouTube Channel is an excellent Canadian resource for you to being learning beekeeping.  They provide a wealth of videos that are well explained and easy to understand. The below set of videos here are for beginners.  Their channel hosts a wide array of videos from beginner to advanced beekeeping.  

Beekeeping Calendar

Bee calander

Popular Websites

Below you will find links to popular websites in the honeybee industry.  Please use the information contained within each of the following links at your discretion.  There are many ways to manage bees and no one beekeeper’s management style would always be the right way for you.

Randy Oliver Scientific Beekeeping

Atlantic Tech Transfer Team for Apiculture (ATTTA) – FACT SHEETS

What’s the Buzz – ATTTA Blog Articles

Honeybee Suite

Honeybee Health Coalition – Varroa Pest Management

Honey and Pollen Plants for Canadian Beekeepers